Monday 18 May 2015

Lady Macbeth Character Monologue

            My plot has long but failed. How disastrous it is that my ambition be squandered by the incompetence that surrounded me. Things had gone awry since even the beginning steps of my plan. My blasted fool of a husband could not seem to be able to follow simple instructions, and let hallucinations shatter the glass barrier protecting the pity that is his mentality. Such cowardice, to be impregnated by fear; the same fear which thou hadst placed upon thyself! Bringing that bloody dagger back, so that we would have Duncan’s blood tainting our hands. And thus, Macduff, the same that suspected him, shall be the same to slay him.
            Soon, Macbeth will join Banquo; the very soul that inspired torment unto his own. He is condemned as I was, but I had at least realized my fate. I would much rather write the end of my tale than let an enemy do this for me. All my dreams were to meet their demise, and of course the turning of one’s crux on thyself would infect anyone with insanity. I had used Macbeth only as an instrument for my independence, but if the tool becomes broken, the task cannot be seen through. The fear and sorrow that shrouds Macbeth is like the blanket of soil for us to be buried in. His hasty, miscalculated decisions were the shovels that dug us deeper, and the enemies which he created enclosed us in our eternal caskets.

            As my body lays and my thoughts drift, I ponder upon the occurrences which I have experienced, and I can see that my existence was but a tragedy. I was birthed in the weaker form, and my spiritual cries to be unsexed were not heard. I came across an unwilling husband, who hadth pulled me down to the level of his own.  Tendencies of schizophrenia caught a grasp on me, as I obsessively tried to cleanse my hands of Duncan’s filthy blood. This disorder began to haunt me; controlling my body in the depths of the night. And so in my defeat, with the clock still ringing in my ears, I took the plunge into the hereafter. It is now that I can sleep forever and be released from the insomnia that was my life. 


     Before writing this monologue, I decided to do some research to see what information I could uncover about Lady Macbeth, and I stumbled upon two articles: here and here. Minimal searching was needed to learn that a common belief is that Lady Macbeth's character was not mentally stable throughout the play.  She was often diagnosed with conditions such as psychosis, bipolar disorder, and others. Seeing as the mental aspect of individuals is a major component of themselves, I included my inferences in the monologue, making references to schizophrenia (because of her spirit-calling and sleep walking) and obsessive compulsive disorder (her frequent hand-washing). I believe that these aspects of Lady Macbeth's character makes her more intricate and intriguing in the play. 

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