Sunday 22 March 2015

About Me and Personality Quizzes

     I am a Canadian eleventh grade student. As most students, I partake in several different activities. I am involved in combative sports and like to read adventurous, thrilling novels. I also enjoy writing, and of course, exploring the internet. I have decided on three learning goals for this course. The first that comes to mind is to strengthen my vocabulary; as the knowledge of a plethora of words invokes insightfulness from various angles (as opposed to redundancy). The second is to become a better short story writer and free verse poet. I believe that these types of works develop creativity skills, which I deem an important aspect to help set individuals from others. Lastly, I wish to enhance my formal reports, as this style of writing is used "in the real world," a la career applications.

I have completed two personality quizzes: the Jung Typology Test and Multiple Intelligences.
     Once I completed the former, I was shown "INTJ". According to the results, I am moderately introverted and intuitive (opposed to extraverted and sensing). Additionally, I was said to be strongly thinking and slightly judging (over feeling and perceiving). I believe that this test was a rather accurate portrayal of me. I am introverted by nature and I consider myself to be a logical person. Derived from this, I am an intuitive and thinking being. Using my observations and thought processes, I can learn how the environment around me works, and I try to make decisions based on thought criteria instead of feelings and emotions. Noting myself as judging is not wrong, as I believe what is around me should be analyzed for its worth and/or opportunities.
     Multiple Intelligences scores eight different "intelligences," with a maximum score of five. According to the test, logic/math, at 4.14/5, is my greatest intelligence, followed by kinesthetic and intrapersonal; both at 3.71/5. The other five categories are ranked as follows:
While analyzing the results, I was slightly surprised that social is considered a more defined strength of mine when compared to spatial. This is because I consider myself to be rather aware of what surrounds me, coupled with the fact that I am somewhat asocial at times. Aside from this, there were no anomalies, and the outcome was similar to that of the Typology Test. With that thought in mind, it seems that the tests are not contradictory and therefore could be considered at least somewhat accurate when representing me. Overall, these personality quizzes affirmed what I had already believed to be my make-up; generally introverted and logical.

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